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Webb City High School

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School-Issued Devices Information



The following information about school-issued devices (and insurance) is relevant to the type of instruction a student is receiving from WCHS.


  1. Personal devices and Virtual Learning Devices are not allowed to be used for seated classes. If a student is taking seated classes, they must use a grade-level device in a bag.

    • The grade-level device must be kept in the bag at all times. The bags are "always on". This is to insure the safety of the device while being transported to and from school and to and from class.

      • Not keeping the device in the bag the school provided is a violation of the district's Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

  2. Seated students may choose to opt-out of the insurance.

    • If opting-out of the insurance, the grade-level device will be placed in daily check-in/check-out and cannot be taken home.

      • If there comes a time when a daily check-in/check-out student wants or needs to start taking their grade-level device home, they must pay the insurance and switch from daily check-in/check-out to take-home. 



Students who switch from seated or blended instruction to virtual learning will continue to use their grade-level device for virtual. This is the preferred procedure. A grade-level device should never be swapped for a virtual learning device. The student should keep the grade-level device unless they plan to use a personal device for virtual learning.


If the student wants to use a personal device for virtual learning, they must turn in their grade-level device, charger, and bag.


The grade-level device will be kept in storage in case the student returns to seated or blended instruction.

VIRTUAL LEARNING (no seated classes):

  1. Students who are not taking any seated classes at all are required to pay the yearly insurance fee only if they are using a school-issued device. (either a grade-level device in a bag or a virtual learning device)

  2. Full Virtual students may choose to use a personal device and opt-out of the yearly device insurance.

    • Virtual students who choose to use a personal device must turn in their school-issued device, charger, and bag if they have one.

      • If the device is a grade-level device in a bag, it will be held in storage in case the student returns to seated or blended instruction.



  1. Personal devices and virtual learning devices cannot be used for seated classes. 

    1. If a virtual student returns to seated or blended instruction, they must turn in their virtual learning device & charger and be issued a grade-level device with a bag. 

    2. Virtual students who were using a personal device will need to pay the yearly insurance and be issued a grade-level device upon returning to seated or blended instruction. 

*** Please note that personal laptops cannot be used at school. If a student is taking a seated class, or if a student returns to seated instruction, they must use a grade-level chromebook that comes with a bag. If the grade-level device needs to be taken home, the yearly insurance must be paid.

BLENDED STUDENTS (taking both virtual and seated classes):

  • Students doing Blended Instruction must use a grade-level device that comes with a bag. Personal devices and virtual learning devices are not allowed to be used for seated classes.

    • The grade-level device must be kept in the bag at all times. The bags are "always on". This is to insure the safety of the device while being transported to and from school and to and from class.

    • Not keeping the device in the bag the school provided is a violation of the district's Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Blended students may choose to opt-out of the insurance if they are using a personal device at home for their virtual classes and homework and they only need to use their school-issued device while at school.

    • If a blended student opts-out of the insurance, the school-issued device will be placed into daily check-in/check-out and cannot be taken home.

      • If there comes a time when the blended student wants or needs to start taking their school-issued device home, they must pay the insurance first. 

  • If a blended student switches to full virtual learning, they will keep the grade-level device. Grade-level devices should not be switched out for virtual learning devices. 

    • However, if the student wishes to use a personal device for virtual learning, they must turn in their grade-level device for safe-keeping.


  • Seated and Blended students who opt-out of the yearly insurance, students who have an unpaid repair fee, and students who lost their take-home privilege for disciplinary reasons will have their device placed into daily check-in/check-out.

  • Students in daily check-in/check-out cannot take their device home and must return it to the library by 2:45 pm each day.

    • Students in daily check-in/check-out who don't return their device at the end of the day will receive an office referral and have their device disabled until it is returned to the HelpDesk in the library.

  • Students who opt-out of the insurance can pay for the insurance at any time during the school year and switch to take-home.

  • Students who have paid the insurance but have been placed in temporary daily check-in/check-out due to having an unpaid repair fee will be switched back to take-home once the fee is paid in full.

  • Students who are placed in daily check-in/check-out for disciplinary reasons need both a principal and parent approval to resume take-home privileges.

  • Students who are placed in daily check-in/check-out cannot take their device home at all, regardless of whether or not they have paid the yearly insurance.


Seated or Blended Instruction:

  • Freshmen who finish 8th grade at WCJH must turn in their JH device, charger, and bag OR their virtual learning device and charger at the end of their 8th grade year. Turning in their JH grade-level or virtual device is mandatory for all 8th graders.

  • Incoming freshmen will pay their yearly insurance and receive their high school grade-level device, charger, and bag at the Freshman Chromebook Roll-out event held at the high school a couple of weeks before school starts. 

    • Please note that freshmen are required to turn in the current school year's insurance agreement and pay the $15 yearly insurance fee (if taking their device home) before they will be issued a high school grade-level device. Waiting until after school starts to turn in insurance and get a high school device is not recommended. There are no guarantees that you will receive your device the same day you turn in your insurance agreement and money.

Virtual Learning:

  • Freshmen who finish 8th grade at WCJH must turn in their JH device, charger, and bag OR their virtual learning device and charger at the end of their 8th grade year. Turning in their JH grade-level or virtual device is mandatory for all 8th graders.

  • Freshmen who are doing full virtual learning (no seated classes at all) will receive a virtual learning device when they meet with the Virtual Learning Director or the High School Virtual Teacher to pay their insurance and enroll in their virtual classes. 

  • When a full virtual student returns to blended or fully seated classes, they must trade their virtual learning device for a grade-level device with a bag. Personal devices and virtual learning devices cannot be used for seated classes.