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Webb City High School

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LMC - WiFi Hotspot Checkout Information

HotSpot Parent Information

The LMC has a limited supply of Kajeet Mobile Internet Hotspots that students can check-out for the purpose of doing homework on their school-issued device while they are off campus. To be eligible to check out a hotspot, a student must have parent permission to bring a hotspot home, their chromebook cannot be in daily check-in/check-out, they must be a seated student (not a full-time virtual learner), and they must not have any library fines or overdue items.


The hotspots have filtered Internet access and are monitored for proper use. Each hotspot only has 0.5 GB of data allotted per day. Once the daily data limit has been reached, the connection will stop until the next day.


Use of a hotspot is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document, and by allowing your child to check out the hotspot, you agree to the following:


  • Hotspots can only be checked out and used by a student at Webb City High School. (Others are not allowed to use the hotspot)
  • Any student who has opted-out of insurance or has temporarily lost his/her take-home privilege is NOT allowed to checkout a hotspot. (student is in daily check-in/check-out)
  • Hotspots will be checked out based on availability. Students will need to fill out the reservation form each time they wish to checkout a hotspot.
    • When a hotspot is available, the student will be notified via school email.
    • Hotspots may be picked up after 4th block. (after 2:10 p.m.)
      • If the hotspot is not picked up on the day the student is notified it's available, the LMC will only hold the hotspot for 1 school day. After that, the hotspot will be unavailable and the student will have to fill out another reservation form.
    • The hotspot must be returned to the Webb City High School Library Media Specialist or LMC staff member with all included accessories no later than 7:45 a.m. on the due date. Hotspots are a 4 day checkout. 
      • If the hotspot is not returned on the due date, the parent/guardian will be notified. In addition, WiFi service will be disconnected and the hotspot will no longer be useable.
      • Students will be charged a $0.50 late fee for each day the device is not returned once the due date has passed. 
      • The hotspot may NOT be returned in the bookdrop; it must be returned to the Webb City High School Library Media Specialist or LMC staff member in good working condition with all included accessories or the student will be charged a replacement cost of $100.
    • Hotspots may be renewed as long as there is not a hold for another student. The device and all of its components must be brought in for renewal.
  • Hotspots may be checked out to Homebound students through the Webb City Homebound instructor for up to 7 days based on availability.
  • The hotspot runs on the Verizon network and the speed and availability of the WiFi connection will be dependent on the service area of the Verizon towers. Service connection is not guaranteed in all areas.
  • The hotspot will provide the student with 0.5 GB per day of data. When that amount of data has been used, the connection will stop until the next day. 
  • The hotspot is subject to Verizon's Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, as well as the Webb City R-7 School District Acceptable Use Policy, Webb City High School Handbook, administrative procedure, and all other guidelines in this document wherever the student uses a hotspot and/or a school issued student device. 
  • The Webb City School District is not responsible for any file, data, or personal information accessed, transmitted, lost or damaged while accessing the Internet via the hotspot.

Webb City High School reserves the right to refuse checkout to students who abuse the hotspots or repeatedly return them late.