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Webb City High School

You Can Go Anywhere From Here

WCHS Counseling Center


High school can be one of the most exciting times in a student’s life. With careful planning over the next four years, this time can also be one of the most rewarding. The school counselors in WCHS’s Counseling Center would like to do everything possible to help make your high school years a positive experience for you!

Choosing the program of studies that is right for you will have a strong impact on your future. Six career pathways have been developed to help you determine which high school courses will be of most benefit in planning your future.

In addition to the career pathways, the guide also contains other information that will be useful during your high school career. Included are a listing of courses, course descriptions, suggested programs of study, as well as details about the honor diploma, graduation requirements, dual enrollment credit, and other special programs offered at our high school. Take responsibility for your future by being informed about every aspect of what is available to you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if there is anything you are uncertain about.

We encourage each parent to take an active role in your student’s education. If you have any questions concerning your child’s progress at any time, please contact our counseling center at 673-6090. We are here to help not only with academic and career concerns but also with personal and social issues as well.


Leigh Miller, M.S. Counselor
Amelia Ross, M.S. Counselor
Brittany Miller, M.S. Counselor
Justin Boudreaux, M.S. Counselor

Meet the Counseling Department Team


Amelia Ross

Amelia Ross

Counselor for students with last names (E-K)

Leigh Miller

Leigh Miller

Counselor for students with last names (S-Z)

Justin Boudreaux

Justin Boudreaux

Counselor for students with last names (A-D)

Brittany Miller

Brittany Miller

Counselor for students with last names (L-R)