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Webb City High School

You Can Go Anywhere From Here

A+ Program


Webb City R-7 High School has been designated by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as an A+ School. Three goals provide direction for the program:

  • All students will graduate from high school.
  • All students will complete a selection of high school studies that is challenging and for whichthere are identified learning expectations.
  • All students will proceed from high school graduation to a college, post-secondary
    vocational/technical school, or high-wage job with workplace skill development

As WCHS students prepare for life after high school, they will make different choices. Some will choose to go directly into the workforce or the military, others will choose to attend a four-year college or university, and still others will seek additional training at a vocational school or community college. The A+ Schools Program seeks to provide all students with a rigorous and relevant selection of courses, career counseling, technology and/or workplace skill development opportunities which are appropriate to their career goals.

The A+ Schools Program also offers a financial incentive plan to encourage students to complete post-secondary training. This will include 2 year colleges as well as some participating 4 year institutions. Any Webb City High School graduate who meets the following eligibility requirements and who attends a qualifying Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school after high school graduation can qualify for full reimbursement of tuition through state funds.


Eligible students must:

  • Sign a written participation agreement before graduating from high school
  • Attend a designated A+ high school for 2 consecutive years immediately prior to graduation
  • Maintain at least a 95% attendance record during 4 years of high school
  • Achieved a score of proficient or advanced on the Algebra I EOC or higher level DESE-approved EOC exam in the field of mathematics
  • Graduate with an overall grade point average of 2.5 (C+) on a 4.0 scale
  • Contribute 50 hours of tutoring in the district during high school
  • Demonstrate good citizenship
  • Make a good faith effort to secure all available federal post-secondary financial assistance funds that do not require repayment
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Register for selective service, if applicable (all males at the age of 18)


This financial incentive is available to qualifying students for a period of four years after high school graduation. To maintain eligibility, the participant must attend a Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school full-time and maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.


If you or your parents have any questions concerning the A+ Schools Program, please contact the counseling center.

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